Brighter Minds is an initiative to guide the children to develop their sense of observation and cognitive abilities through enhancing and enriching the capabilities of their minds. The programme combines theories of ‘Balanced Brain’, which help to enhance the holistic development of brain in addition to the traditional education which utilizes a linear approach in learning.

The mission of the BMP is to inspire and equip every child with tools and methods to enhance cognitive functioning for achieving personal excellence and to instil confidence in oneself.

The Objective of the programme is to provide the right environment and training to the children to improve their brain functions related to observation perception, attention and sensory augmentation, which result in a holistic development of a child.

ACTIVITIES :Prayer & Circle Time, Key to success, Brain Exercise, Dance, Fun & Motivation, Eye Exercise, Breathing Exercise, Super Memory, Illusion, BM Music, Blindfold Activity, Diary Writing.

BENEFITS: We are observing lots of improvement in children after practicing the BMP like Intensified focus, Confidence, improved observation skills, Enhanced their Intuition, deepen Empathy, Improved comprehension skill and Strengthened memory.